Supplier Page

New Supplier Access Request

Purchased Commodities

Purchasing Terms and Conditions

- Metal Stampings
Diversity Program

Purchasing Policy

- Closed Die Forgings

- Upset Forgings
Supplier Manual
- Ball Studs

The goal of Powers and Sons, LLC is to develop and maintain an advanced product that sustains a competitive advantage for our customers, suppliers and our business. To accomplish this we need to maintain a world class supply chain. While maintaining current position we will continue to uncover new solutions that keep up with ever-changing technologies and goals of our customers. It is our goal to develop, maintain, partner with and support the best suppliers in the world. We endeavor to seek out and work with all suppliers that can meet our requirements and help us to meet all of our customer requirements including supplier diversity programs. We welcome inquiries from all suppliers that feel they can meet and support all of our requirements.
- Fasteners
Supplier Forms
- Rubber

Chrysler Standards Website

- Plastic
Website for Auto Standards

       Protective Covers
BOSS Login Page

- Wire Forms
PPAP Login Page

- Tubing


Warning: Powers and Sons LLC (Powers and Sons) has granted your company limited permission to access this private website to facilitate the flow of information between Powers and Sons and your company, solely for the purpose of facilitating what your company does for Powers and Sons. This permission extends only to employees of your company who have been expressly authorized by Powers and Sons to access the Powers and Sons network. All information and content on the Powers and Sons private website is the confidential and proprietary property of Powers and Sons and you are not to disclose it to anyone outside your company. The information on this private website is not to be used in a way detrimental to Powers and Sons, its suppliers or its customers. By clicking on the Links above above you are acknowledging your acceptance of these terms.
        Formed Ends

- Powdered Metal Bearings

- Packaging Labels

- E-Coat

- Prototypes

- Screw Machine

- Springs

- Freight